What is Plasma Donation Type Uses and Side Effects Plasma Therapy in Corona-virus

What is Plasma Donation Type Uses and Side Effects Plasma Therapy in Corona-virus-human blood-red-cells-Image
What is Plasma Donation Type Uses and Side Effects Plasma Therapy in Corona-virus-human blood-red-cells-Image


You must have heard of plasma, it is the most important element in the human body. This is an in-depth article about what is plasma, Plasma donation and its types, the procedure of plasma donation, history of plasma, Plasma therapy, and all the side effects of plasma therapy.

What is Plasma?

Plasma is light yellow viscous and fluid in the blood. Which is 55% volume of the blood we have in our body. The remaining 45 % have blood cells in the body.
90% part of the plasma is containing water and the rest 10% of plasma in the blood is having protein, organic and inorganic elements.

Just to understand better what the plasma is or in? In other words, we can say that if we remove WBC, RBC, Platelets, and other cellular components from our blood then the remaining liquid will be called plasma in the blood.

What is plasma Donation? and The Power of Plasma Donation:

Many patients with rare and genetic disorders are relying on you. That is because blood contains plasma which is a key ingredient in treatments they need to survive.
And the only source or the only way to get plasma is from the healthy plasma donors only.
As mentioned earlier that plasma is protein-rich, gold, or yellow-colored liquid portion of blood.

It all starts when a donor visits one of the more than 700 source plasma donation centers in North America and Europe.

Procedure for Plasma Donation:

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What is Plasma Donation Type Uses and Side Effects Plasma Therapy in Corona-virus-Plasma Donations-Image

  1. The Plasma donors will check in at reception presenting a government-issued ID with current address proof.
  2. The donor of plasma then takes a few minutes to complete a health history questionnaire.
  3. They must pass a health screening prior to each donation before being able to donate their plasma.
  4. Source plasma donors in the United States and some European Countries are given some modest compensation for their time and travel.
  5. Plasma which is used to make lifesaving plasma protein therapies is collected through a process knows as plasmapheresis.
  6. During this process, an automated device is used to separate the plasma from the blood of the human body.
  7. Red blood cells and other components are returned to the main donor once the plasma is collected from him.
  8. After when the plasma is collected from the donor, it is tested for suitability for further manufacture, frozen, and then held for at least 60 days prior to pooling.
  9. It has to pass these rigorous steps to be pooled with other plasma donations.
  10. Before the process of protein, the extraction begins each plasma pool is further tested. 
  11. During this process, the lifesaving protein is extracted from the plasma. 
  12. Later on, the separated specific protein are purified and adjusted for optimal dosage before becoming the finished therapeutic product.
  13. Each source plasma donation tracked the entire time from the donation to all the way to therapy.
  14. The most important thing is that only healthy people should donate plasma because every year it takes approximately 130 plasma to treat one person with a primary immune deficiency. 900 donations to treat one person with Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and 1200 donations to treat one person with hemophilia.

Plasma Donation is the process to save lives and it all starts with you. We must say thank you to all the plasma donors that donate the plasma.

To learn more and to find the nearest plasma donation center. you can visit www.donatingplasma.org 

Do You Know? 

Plasma makes a difference by saving and improving the lives of people with rare, genetic, and chronic diseases.

States of Matter:-

There are all 18 states of matter, rather than 3 states of matter which are Solid, Liquid, and Gas.

History of Plasma:

Plasma was discovered by Sir William Crookes as the fourth state of matter but gave the name as Radiant Matter, not Plasma.
Later on an English Physicist J.J Thomson stated that this fourth state of matter is a state in which atoms, molecules are not there but electrons and ions move freely in this state just because of which plasma can produce of generating electricity.

Then later in 1928 Irving Langmuir, a scientist gave this the name of Plasma.

Plasma as the State of Matter:

Plasma state of matter is nothing but just a state where electrons and other ions move freely like it happens in gas. Also in a plasma state of matter, there are not molecules and there are no atoms in this state of plasma which is the fourth state of plasma.

Uses Of Artificial Plasma:

We use plasma or plasma technology in our daily life like the given examples below;

  1. Plasma is used in fluorescent bulbs, lamps, or tube lights we use in our houses as energy savers, there is gas in it or we can say plasma is present in these electronics.
  2. Neon Signs are also an best example of using plasma in it.
  3. Plasma is also used in cleaning and sterilization of food because of plasma's destroying power fungus and bacteria and food get sterilized.
  4. Apart from all of these examples the Monitors and the LED we are using for better picture quality are one of the most common and famous examples using Plasma technology or using plasma.

Types of Plasma:

There are two types of plasma present in the universe.

  • Natural Plasma

          Sun and shinning stars and luminous clouds are the examples of Natural Plasma.

  • Artificial Plasma

          LED's, Bulbs, Tube-lights are examples of artificial plasma.

What is Plasma Therapy:

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What is Plasma Donation Type Uses and Side Effects Plasma Therapy in Corona-virus-Plasma therapy-Image

Plasma therapy is used to improve immunity of a patient who is suffering from any kind of disease. Taking the example of a Novel Corona Virus or COVID-19.
Nowadays coronavirus become the worst disease in the world. Plasma therapy is being used for patients who are suffering from COVID-19 or coronavirus.

Simple Definition of Plasma Therapy:

In this therapy, the patients who have been recovered from the disease donates plasma for those patients whose immunity is not much stronger than the patient who has recovered from the disease.

With the help of this therapy, plasma helps the patient to fight with the virus but it can not destroy the virus in any case.

The donor who is donating their plasma can only donate their plasma after 4 weeks of recovery from the disease.

Also according to the guidelines of WHO plasma therapy can not be used at everyone who is sick.

Side Effects of Plasma: by (Dr. Rupal MBBS - DCH MCGP MGPA(GB))

In a case where plasma therapy is helping to improve the sick conditions of the patients on the other side, plasma therapy is showing some serious side effects

Before getting any plasma related therapy or treatment you must be aware of the side effects that plasma therapy shows.

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What is Plasma Donation Type Uses and Side Effects Plasma Therapy in Corona-virus-side-effects-Image

Side Effects:

  1. First side effect of plasma therapy is Allergy or Citrate Toxicity(CT).
  2. The second side effect it can do to you is transfusion-related acute lung injury(TRALI).
  3. Because of the respiratory failure patient, it can cause patient death.
  4. Transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO) can be an issue.
  5. Anaphylactic Shock or Reactions can be seen.
  6. Also, It can cause you any kind of serious infections in the body.
  7. The sixth side effect of plasma therapy is HYPERFIBRINOLYSIS.
  8. On number Seven  because of plasma therapy it can result in ENHANCED INFECTION - COVID-19.
  9. The next side effect of Plasma therapy is it can cause you suppression of the immune system (SIS).
  10. Graft Versus Host Disease(GVHD).

According to the research of the "Mayo Clinic Research Report", they are saying that till now they have not found something just because of which this plasma therapy can be used on COVID-19 or coronavirus infected patients.

According to the research of the "Mayo Clinic Research Report", they are saying that till now they have not found something just because of which this plasma therapy can be used on COVID-19 or coronavirus infected patients.

Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - Research - Truth Revealed

Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - Good eggs as food
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - Good eggs as food

Eating eggs which are good, is the best way to start your fresh day. Bad eggs are not to use but the good egg can be eaten by anyone but in a limited quantity. Good Eggs contain all the nutrients which you should have every day.

Examples: Proteincarbohydratesfatvitamin-B12folicseleniumphosphorusironzink, calcium.

Even there are people who believe that egg yolk is not good for health. But the fact is that the complete egg is fulfilled with all good nutrients for health. There are a few people who think that we should not eat eggs in summer or hot days because its temperature is hot which is not good for health.

In this post, I am gonna tell you what all types of nutrients an egg contains and how much it does contains. How to eat eggs and how to Identify the egg's age.

So if you won't know that if the eggs are good for you or eggs are bad for you, read this article carefully, so that you can get all the information to eat eggs which are good for health.

Is it very bad to eat eggs every day?

What is the healthiest way to eat eggs?

Eggs Good Or bad to Eat:

Most of the people like to eat eggs and among all of them, a huge crowd like to eat good eggs in breakfast. But do you know what the advantages and disadvantages of eating fresh or good eggs?
Today in this blog post I'm gonna tell you all the best advantages of eating good or fresh eggs.

Eggs have:

Protein, calcium, and omega 3 fatty acid, eggs contain lots of nutrients.
Elements in eggs protect you from a lot of serious diseases as well as eggs keep your fitness healthy.

That is why it is always said

"Eat eggs every day, whether it is Sunday or Monday"

The process to check if the eggs:

Good eggs or Fresh eggs:

Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - horizontal egg lower surface
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - horizontal egg lower surface

  • Put an egg in the water and if it goes under the wanter and sticks horizontally, then you can say that this egg is 1-3 day old which means the egg is fresh.
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - uplifted egg touching lower surface
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - uplifted egg touching lower surface

  • Put the into the water and if the egg is dipped into the water and is slightly uplifted, then you can say that the egg is 4-8 days old.
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - vertical egg Lower surface
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - vertical egg Lower surface

  • When you put the egg in the water and it stands vertically by touching the down surface, in this case, this egg is 9-14 days old.
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - jumping egg in water
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - jumping egg in water

  • In the next case when you place this egg in the water you will that this egg is not touching any of the surfaces but it is jumping in the water, this egg is 14-18 days old.
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - touching vertically upper surface
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - touching vertically upper surface

  • If in a case the egg is touching the upper surface then it will be a 19-23 days old egg.
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - horizontal egg upper surface
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You - horizontal egg upper surface

  • If in some cased you found that the egg is horizontally touching the upper surface this egg is 24+ days old then do one thing without wasting time just throw it as soon as possible.


The eggs are good which are 14-18 days older and are good to eat but on the other hand the eggs are bad for your health which are older than 19+ days. You should be very cautious while moving towards those bad eggs. 

Check are Eggs Good Or Bad:

  1. Eggs which are 1-3 days old are good eggs to eat and good for our health also.
  2. Eggs which are 4-8 days old are also good eggs to eat and can be taken easily, cause they are not harmful.
  3. Those eggs which are 9-14 days old are not considered as bad eggs so you can take those eggs to.
  4. 14-18 days old eggs can be eaten in some cases it will be your choice if you want to avoid it.
  5. If the eggs are 19-23 days old these eggs are bad eggs better will be if you don't eat these eggs.
  6. In a case where the egg if the egg is touching upper surface horizontally and is  24+ days old stays away from those eggs these are very bad eggs.

A healthy way to cook and eat Eggs:

  1. An egg which is 1-3 days old then the best thing you can do it is, you can eat that egg by half frying it or you can eat that egg with the soft boil.
  2. Eggs that are 4-8 days old can be eaten by deep frying it or after soft frying or can be taken as a hard-boiled egg.
  3. Eggs which are 9-14 days old, you should avoid eating these eggs by soft boil or by half frying it because it is a little old. You can it this egg by hard boiling it or by frying it.
  4. The eggs which are 14-18 days old can be eaten by frying it or by hard boiling it.
  5. The egg which is 19-23 days old will be better to avoid instead of eating it. If you still want to eat this then do one thing break the egg and smell it if it stinks then throw it in the dustbin, or if it doesn't you cant it this by hard boiling it or by frying it.

Egg-White (White part of the egg):

Elements in egg Quantity
Fat                                                         0g
Saturated Fat                                                         0g
cholesterol                                                         0mg
carbohydrates                                                         0g
Protein                                                         4g

Egg-Yolk (Yellow part of the egg):

Elements in egg     Quantity
Fat                                             4.5g
Saturated Fat                                             1.6g
cholesterol                                            184mg
carbohydrates                                             0.5g
Protein                                             2.5g

Eggs are a way to eat for good health, but eating eggs in the wrong way can be harmful to the human body.

If we talk about eating eggs then we should cook accurately an in a normal way or eggs can be eaten when it is boiled.
Most of the dietitian suggests that eggs should not be fried. The reason is fat and cholesterol gets increased.

Benefits of Eating Eggs:

Weight Loss by Eating Eggs:

  • Eggs help to gain weight and also to lose weight eggs can be taken.
  • Eating eggs calms your appetite and it keeps your stomach full for a long duration, and it protects you from overeating.
  • If you want to lose weight then eat the white part of the egg instead of eating the yellow part of the egg, because the yellow part has more cholesterol which is used to gain weight not to lose weight.
  • The people who go to the Gym are suggested to eat eggs in their daily diet but also they are suggested to eat the white part of the egg only.

Weight Gain By Eating Eggs:

If you want to gain weight then you must eat the yellow part of the egg, it helps to gain weight.
Children who are having low weight are suggested to eat one egg on a daily basis.


  • Eggs strengthen your brain.
  • Colin in the egg is very important for your brain's development.
  • It helps keep your memory sharp.
  • If you feel depressed then eggs can help you to get rid of depression.


Colin is a nutrient that helps keep your brain sharp and also for the development of your mind.
Children and old age people are advised to eat this to keep their mind active.

Blood  Pressure:

Eating eggs in breakfast decreases your blood pressure level. The white part of the egg contains the ability to decrease your blood pressure.
This is the peptide which helps keep your blood pressure controlled.

Healthy Eyes:

Carotenoids found in the eggs is very helpful to keep your eyes good. Eggs also have Lutein and Zeaxanthin, carotenoids help keep cataracts away.

Healthy Hairs:

Eggs contain sufficient protein and amino acids which are good in every way for your hairs. Eggs have high sulfur content Vitamin (A, D, E), minerals which good for hair growth. Lecithin element in Eggs keeps your hair's follicles strengthen. It protects your hair from broken. The yellow part of the egg keeps your hair soft and silky.

Healthy Heart:

Eggs are the way good for the people who are heart patients. Because it controls their blood pressure, cholesterol, and body weight which is not good for your heart's health. Eggs are not harmful to your heart in any season whether it is winter or summer days.

Breast Cancer in Ladies:

Eggs are considered as the most important element to control breast cancer in ladies. If ladies are taking eggs on a regular basis then it will reduce the chances of breast cancer in ladies.

Healthy Bones:

Because of the deficiency of calcium our bones, teeth, and nails get weak, and eggs give us protein, calcium, and omega 3 fatty acid to keep these things stronger.

"Where protein helps our meatballs get stronger, calcium keeps our teeth and bones stronger."

Good Cholesterol:

Our body has two types of good and bad cholesterols. The egg helps increase good cholesterol that is HDL.
People who are suffering from metabolic syndrome start to produce good cholesterol at a very slow rate. For this type of person, eggs are too good according to the research of the University of Connecticut.


During the days of pregnancy, it is considered good to eat eggs. Except for good nutrition, eggs reduces mental health problem chances in unborn children and the risks to get sick in life later on.

All these were the Benefits of Eating Eggs, now we will proceed towards the Disadvantages of Eating Eggs.

Are Eggs Good or Bad For You -soft boild eggs
Are Eggs Good or Bad For You -soft boild eggs

Disadvantages of Eating Eggs:

As we know that all the things which are having benefits they have their bad side also. In the same way, eggs to have some bad factors.
"Like the two sides of a single coin"

Kidney Problems:

According to the doctors, Excess of protein in the body can cause you kidney problems and some related problems. And just because of Eggs have protein in the excess amount it can be a reason for kidney problems if it is taken very much.

Excess of Sodium:

Eggs have sodium in very much quantity, those who are advised not to take sodium should be very cautious while eating eggs.

Biotin Deficiency:

Eating eggs white part can be a reason of biotin deficiency. Because of bitcoin deficiency, you can suffer from muscle aches and cramps in muscles. It can also result in hair fall, and there might be some other health-related problems.
Biotin is also known as Vitamin H or Vitamin B7.


If you are allergic to eggs, we suggest you not eat eggs, in case if you have an allergy please consult your doctor, first.

Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Problems:

If you are having issues like blood pressure, diabetes, or heart problems, then you should avoid eating the yellow part of the egg, because it has cholesterol in excess which is not good to be taken for these problems.

Paralysis, Impotence, Fat:

Taking eggs in excess in your meal or in any way will result in a very bad situation. In this case, eggs can be bad, because they can cause you paralysis, impotence, or fat issues.


Eggs are always good to eat for your health, yes it may not be applicable to everyone. Those who are having any health issues must consult their doctor before eating eggs.
Eggs are having more benefits in comparison to the disadvantages of eggs. If you want to stay healthy then eat eggs on a regular basis but you should consult about the quantity to take. By eating eggs stay fit and stay healthy. Because it's everything is about health, and Health mater the most whether the eggs are good or bad for health.

Colin is a nutrient that helps keep your brain sharp and also for the development of your mind.
Children and old age people are advised to eat this to keep their mind active

How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance? | Your-Best Solution

How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Free insurance Quotes Image
How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Free insurance Quotes Image

"I was thinking of getting car insurance, then I thought I can get car insurance for free, free means completely free. Then I searched for a lot on the internet and found something interesting about getting free car insurance. I am Sharing all those tips and results to get a free car Insurance over here."

People Asks:

How do I find out who my car is insured with for free?
How do I get insurance with no money?
What do you do if you can't afford car insurance?

Know what they said: there is nothing like free lunch. Then let us think that is there anything like completely free car insurance?
Shockingly, there are some people who have to find offers to get car insurance at the direct cost of nothing to themselves, or at least we can say no immediate direct cost. But when you will learn that a principle of “No Free Lunch” is a good one for most things in your life.

How Much Does it Cost to Get a Free Car Insurance?

Definitely, it depends on many factors, but if we see the nationwide average car insurance premium comes around $999 for individual insurance coverage, and it can cost you a very less or it can cost you a lot more also it depends on the type of your vehicle what you are insuring and your driving history.

How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-free-storage-insurance image
How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-free-storage-insurance image

Now the most important question (Free Car Insurance):

From Where I will Find Offers to Get Free Car Insurance?

Again it depends on some factors or conditions:
Like the individuals or families who all are experiencing economic circumstances, they are being given offers to get free or reduced-price car insurance. Because these programs are serving the neediest people or individuals, and are well regulated, they are not motivated by the same profit margins because most offers for free car insurance, and just because of this reason does not become the focus of our current discussion.

So if you are too curious to know about the programs available in your city or if you are a person with low income though, it will be a good one to read about the programs which are government-sponsored car insurance for low earnings families in your states.

Moreover, there are very fewer chances that you get free car insurance from a car manufacturer company. Since this is prohibited by many states, so you may not see this type of advertisement nationwide, but there are a few chances that you might see this locally i.e., in local areas.

Now, what’s the Catch Here?

Easy one: If you would buy free car insurance (opt-in will be the best way to improve it), you will not be able to choose the company you will insure or the auto insurance coverage type. For your state, you will be offered only the minimum legal insured amount.

The most important thing is that before proceeding further or before signing on the dotted line of that agreement you must read the fine print of that legal agreement, and then if you like the way, you can sign it and proceed further.
Important: The very much important the thing that you should know about getting free car insurance is-

“If you are buying the car or your vehicle on loan, you can just kiss the offer and say goodbye.”

The Reason Why So?

Well, when you get the car over finance, you might be getting it to drive anywhere around the city. But if we see this technology the company who loaned you the money to buy that car is the shareholder of the vehicle when you purchase it. That is why that company becomes the asset of that vehicle insurance company in a way, not you. And Insurance Company would try to protect the asset in any event that you or anybody else destroys it, the minimum insured amount is not going to fly with them.

How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Destroying car image
How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Destroying car image


Companies are offering this Deal but Why?

How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Auto Insurance Policy IMage
How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Auto Insurance Policy IMage

The first one is Obvious: albeit you are doing not find yourself taking the offer, by just seeing such an attractive thing the advertisement might get you within the place of the dealership or the manufacturer’s brand of Vehicle. But if they offer free car insurance, they get full control that what type of free insurance they give you…….well that means they can customize your free car insurance to suit their interests.

This is not a perfect arrangement. This type of promotion can also foster brand loyalty and cause you to more likely to get that sort of vehicle again within the future, though that’s a less griping argument.

Now, what About Free Car Insurance Quotes?

How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Get Free Insurance Image
How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Get Free Insurance Image

There are a lot of companies that allow you to shop car insurance online with the ability to compare, for free of cost. Seating comfortably at your home or even in your pajamas, you can compare the premium prices with the help of these tools and get a car better car insurance. Never forgot to be careful while providing personal information online. To save money you could choose there are a lot of insurance companies which are having completely risk free websites and you can compare insurance quotes and that may lead you to save money. 

Should I Accept the offer if I’m being offered to get free Car insurance?

How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Secured Car Insurance
How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Secured Car Insurance

If we compare in most of the cases, rebate on cash, a warranty which is extended, or a lower rate of insurance on a dealer or manufacturer financed vehicle is way more valuable than getting a year of free insurance. If they are offering you to get free car insurance then instead of getting it instantly just ask about if you can get any cash rebate or anyone among the earlier mentioned options. Though there is no possibility that they might get impressed with your negotiation skills, you may never know-it might find yourself saving you a ton of cash and hassle.

How many other ways are there to Save on Car Insurance?

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How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Save money on insurance Image

As with the previous talk, we concluded that taking a free car insurance offer is approximately not a good idea, the best way is that you choose any of the other ideas which are aforementioned to get car insurance. Also, speak to your friends and your families. Once you find a company which is too good in the insurance sector or giving car insurance, I suggest you stay loyal and honest, as there are a number of companies which offer discounts in many ways for doing this practice. If you are in any school definitely you should be a good student and be a safe driver in for sure, and you will find with this your insurance premiums are decreasing. It’s not that speedy as getting free insurance,  it will pay off more in a long time.

Bonus Tips for International Students:

On the basis of earlier talk, Instead of giving any free car insurance getting puzzled, I want to share the best tip for the international students to get the cheapest car insurance for students also I’m sharing the highest generic quotes for the students who all are studying in foreign countries.
“Companies which provide the cheapest Car Insurance and the companies which provide expensive Car Insurances are mentioned below”:
How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Cheap Car Insurance Image
How to Get Completely Free Car Insurance-Cheap Car Insurance Image

Cheapest Car Insurance Provider Companies:

Name of Insurance Company
Lowest Insurance Rate
First Chicago
Bristol West


Most Expensive Car Insurance Companies:

Name of Insurance Company
Lowest Insurance Rate of These Companies
Direct Auto
National General

If you want to secure a car as an International Student Then:

  1. You can rent a Vehicle for yourself, keep in mind that The vehicle should be already insured, in case if you are not going to be in the US for more than 6 months.
  2. Also if the rental company or your credit card company are giving you an option to get a car insurance for the car you are renting, you can get insured your rental car.
  3. You must have known that the family vehicles like Sedan are way cheaper to get a car insurance for it.
  4. If you own a car that is fully up-to-date safety features i.e., the vehicles that are having restraint devices and full-front air-bags will be very helpful to get you qualified for safe driving discounts.

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